Fendji is an Associate Professor of Computer Science at the University of Ngaoundere, Cameroon. He also serves as the Research Director on Digital Rights and Innovation at Afroleadership. Currently, he is a fellow at the Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Study (2024-2026) and has recently been awarded a fellowship at the Hamburg Institute for Advanced Study (2025). Fendji earned his Ph.D. from the University of Bremen, Germany, in 2015. He has collaborated with several international organizations, including GIZ, ISOC, Internews, AUF, and APC, to name a few. His current research interests include Artificial Intelligence (AI), with a particular focus on Sustainable Development Goals and ethical issues. He has partnered with the Alan Turing Institute on the Advancing Data Justice Research and Practice project, representing AfroLeadership. Additionally, he has organized several sessions at the Mozilla Festival. In 2021, he facilitated the UNESCO Forum on Youth and Artificial Intelligence in Yaoundé, where he discussed the state of AI, its role in the health sector, and how to position young AI researchers to implement the National Development Strategy. Fendji is a member of the ICT and Artificial Intelligence Commission at the National Committee for Technology Development, hosted by the Ministry of Scientific Research and Innovation in Cameroon. He also mentors in the Africa track of the Scaling Responsible AI Solutions project, led by CEIMIA and GPAI.